Monday, June 23, 2008

VBS begins, Boys at Boy Scout Camp

My friends and I have been busily preparing for Vacation Bible School at our church. I hope that explains my absence from posting! I hope that I will have some pictures to post at the end of the week, as well as some testimonies from our experience. Please pray that we have children from the community flock to the church! Pray that the leaders reach the hearts of the children for Christ!

Super and Tutone are off at Boy Scout camp this week! Here is a picture of Tutone walking up the "hill". I'm sure we will hear all about how everyday they had to walk up the hill 10 miles both ways to get to the dining hall.

Here is a picture of the "whole gang"! Super is in the first one on the left in the front row. Tutone is the fourth one from the left in the second row. Right within reach of the Assistant Scoutmaster, the Senior Patrol Leader, and the Scout master. That's where I would have put him! I think they are on to him!

I am sure that we will all have a great week! The boys will be swimming and hiking and earning merit badges! And coachmom will be co-directing VBS!

God bless!

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