Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Riding the Waves at VBS

This year's theme of Outrigger Island has been fun! The leaders have really gotten into it with the decorations. I'm not sure why this theme has been so much more successful in getting the leaders motivated than themes from past years, but it is fantastic. Maybe it's because "going to the beach" just feels like summer.

The children seem to be having a great time. I have seen several little girls leaving each night singing the songs and making the "motions" that go along with them. Our worship leader, Tracey, is awesome. Not only does she have a great singing voice but she really knows how to get the kids dancing.

Monday night we had 192 children and 115 workers at the church. One little girl brought three friends the first night! We rewarded her with a beach towel and can cozy last night. I hope that this will inspire some of the children to invite some kids from their neighborhood. We still had new children registering last night!

Pray that we get some more "unchurched" children from the community tonight!

Know the truth!
Speak the truth!
Live the truth!

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